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I like to get things done
and I like making...
I'm Ben

...Hello, I'm Ben, a 34-year-old TypeScript/Javascript developer and musician. My tech stack for this website is Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Vercel & Stripe. In music I've performed with artists such as Joy Crookes and recorded in venues like Abbey Road. I've taught syllabuses such as ABRSM, examined for Yamaha, and composed for short films - such as the award-winning 'When We Fell'. Currently, I release music independently as Sponn and Green and Pine.

Beginner To Composer...
"Whether you're a complete beginner or have a little knowledge up your sleeve, you'll adore this dynamic and intimate guide to learning the piano, peppered with evocative vignettes of a life lived with music at its heart. Best of all, you'll come away with a method you can use time and time again to create your very own music, captured on professional quality lead sheets you can share with other musicians, to bring your work to life. Complements graded and traditional approaches to learning."

BETA...tells the story of a budding composer, eager to make his mark. To pass each level he must keep moving and overcome obstacles to finish writing his masterpiece. This retro 2D platform game is music-led, where the player shapes the soundtrack in real-time as they play, blurring the boundaries between being a listener and an active creator of this album.
Only playable on larger screens (min-width: 820px)